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All Those In Favour Of Australia Getting An All Business Class Airline, Say ‘Aye’

Some people think Australia deserves an all business class airline. But until our population grows significantly, it’s probably not a viable ambition.

As the travel industry rebounds, Australians are finally getting back into the swing of travel again (despite some people being a bit rusty).

As part of that, all sorts of things are heating up. Project Sunrise is back on. People are remembering how annoying long haul flights are. Business class fanatics are even remembering how how the pointy end isn’t always everything it’s cracked up to be

RELATED: Why Flying First Class Is More Stressful Than Flying Business Class

Speaking of business class, though it has its flaws, we still would take that over economy any day. And – environmental concerns aside – we can’t help but look at Europe with a severe case of jealousy right now.

Why? The following video, recently thrust in front of our faces on TikTok, gave us a serious case of FOMO. In fact it had us (briefly) thinking: Australia really ought to have an all business class airline of its own.

Watch TikTok user @robineblickman show off her all business class flight from Paris to NYC

The video, posted by traveller @robineblickman, gives viewers a look at what it’s like to fly business class on La Compagnie – an all business class airline – from Paris to New York.

Robine shows off how her journey “started with some champagne and before we knew it we were up in the air.”

“Then the first course was some sushi which was super good and I had some curry with fish afterwards,” she gushed.

She then watched a movie, went to sleep, had some “amazing dessert” and then was “bored.”

So far so normal.

“Before we knew it we arrived at New York.”

You get the gist.

RELATED: First Time In Business Class: How My First Trip Ruined Me For Life

Unfortunately, despite our strongest wishes, it’s unlikely we’ll see an all business class airline in Australia any time soon.

Image Credit: World Airline News

One upstart airline – OzJet – tried to create an all business class airline, between Melbourne and Sydney, back in 2005, but only survived 14 weeks before the owner, millionaire Paul Stoddary, gave up and said: “There just isn’t a market [for it].”

He also said that Australia hadn’t been able to support three strong domestic carriers for a while, calling the situation: “A reality that goes back to the old Ansett.”

Until Australia reaches the population size of Europe (or something closer to it), it seems the best we can wish for is more business class seats you can upgrade to with points.

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